
Input form (basic)

Mass spectra

Upload the MS spectra files : PAMPA can process MALDI-TOF and MALDI-FTICR spectra. In all cases, we recommend deisotoping the mass spectra before processing them.
It can recognize the following formats, by the extension of the file name:

User can upload several files. It is also possible to provide a ZIP archive containing all files.

Mass error : The error margin is related to the resolution of the mass spectrometer, that is its ability to distinguish closely spaced peaks. We employ it to set an upper bound on the deviation between a peak and the theoretical mass of the associated peptide.


Advanced analysis

Peptide tables

Peptide markers are organized within peptide tables, which are TSV files where each column corresponds to a field. Twelve fields are recognized by the program.

The first row of the file should contain column headings.

Most of these fields are optional and are here for reference. The following information is mandatory:

Lastly, you have the option to include additional fields (i.e., extra columns) for your own purposes. These fields will be disregarded by PAMPA.

Where to find peptide tables, how to generate them ? An example of peptide table for mammals is accessible here. You can manually edit these peptide table files or create your own using any spreadsheet software and opting for the TSV export format.
Alternatively, PAMPA CRAFT offers automated methods for generating peptide tables.

FASTA sequences

PAMPA processes amino-acid sequences. For that, it uses the standard FASTA format with UniprotKB-like header. The first line starts with a greater-than character (>) followed by some sequence identifier (SeqID), which is provided for informational purposes and can be customized by the user. Additionally, this line must contain three mandatory fields :

The other lines are the sequence representation, with one letter per amino acid.

For example:

   >P02453 OS=Bos taurus OX=9913 GN=COL1A1 


The program offers the optional possibility to add taxonomic information to the species identification. In this case, you can use the file provided or submit your own.

The taxonomy must be in the form of a Tab-Separated Values (TSV) file comprising five columns: Taxid, Common name, Scientific name, Parent (taxid), and Rank (species, genus, etc.). You can obtain this type of file directly from UniProt ( by following these steps:

  1. Use the search bar to find your desired clade, entering its common name, scientific name, or taxid.
  2. Select the clade of interest and click on 'Browse all descendants.'
  3. Locate the 'download' link.
  4. Choose the TSV format and customize the columns in the following order: Common name, Scientific name, Parent, and Rank.
  5. Proceed to download the taxonomy file.

Exploring results

For each spectrum, the output file will give the best assignment, based on the highest number of marker peptides. It contains the following information :

Two other accompanying files are automatically created.

Additional information

PTM description

Peptide tables include a field labeled PTM, which is utilized to describe the post-translational modifications (PTMs) applied to the corresponding peptide. PAMPA recognizes three types of PTMs :

The PTM description is a concise representation of the number of oxylations, deamidations and phosphorylations necessary to compute the mass of a peptide sequence. For instance, '2O1D' signifies two oxyprolines and one deamidation, '1P4O' represents one phosphorylation and four oxyprolines, '2O' corresponds to two oxyprolines without any deamidation and phosphorylation. When no PTM applies, the description should be '0O', or '0D', etc.

When the PTM description field is left empty in the peptide table, it signifies that PTMs are not specified. In such cases, PAMPA directly infers PTMs based on two rules: