#!/usr/bin/env php $Xdim, 'Ydim' => $Ydim, 'SVG' => "\n"; } function svg_imageline(&$img ,$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $col, $width=1) { $x1 = round($x1, 2); $y1 = round($y1, 2); $x2 = round($x2, 2); $y2 = round($y2, 2); $img["SVG"] .= " \n"; } function svg_imagefilledrectangle(&$img, $x, $y, $xdim, $ydim, $col) { $x = round($x, 2); $y = round($y, 2); $img["SVG"] .= " \n"; $img["SVG"] .= " \n"; } function svg_imagestring(&$img, $size, $x, $y, $str, $col) { $x = round($x, 2); $y = round($y, 2); $img["SVG"] .= " ".htmlspecialchars($str)."\n"; } function svg_imagestringup(&$img, $size, $x, $y, $str, $col) { $x = round($x, 2); $y = round($y, 2); $img["SVG"] .= " ".htmlspecialchars($str)."\n"; } function svg_imagepng(&$img,$filename) { $img["SVG"] .= "\n"; file_put_contents($filename,$img["SVG"]); } /* * this is the yass (non-zoomable) dotplot for OFFLINE * scripting out of the yass output. * * (ugly code derived from the website php script) * * you can of course improve it (as the rest of the software here) * and propose new functionalities on github !! */ // GD takes more memory than such small limit ini_set("memory_limit","-1"); // Error reporting error_reporting(-1); ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); if ($argc < 2) { die("Usage :\n". " ./yass2dotplot.php yass-output.yop\n". " { filename1=\"youpi 1\" filename2=\"youpi 2\" }\n". " { filename=fileoutput.png }\n". " { colorForwardR=255 colorForwardG=128 colorForwardB=255 }\n". " { colorReverseR=255 colorReverseG=128 colorReverseB=255 }\n". " { colorForwardLightR=192 colorForwardLightG=224 colorForwardLightB=255 }\n". " { colorReverseLightR=255 colorReverseLightG=224 colorReverseLightB=192 }\n". " { maxAl=100000 }\n". " { svg=1 }\n". " => the output is by default named \"dp.png\" (or \"dp.svg\" if you set \"svg=1\" see before) \n". " (some parameters can be changed inside this script, hacks\&fixes can also be done)\n" ); } // Ugly by helpful : // print_r($argv); $filename = "dp.png"; $filename1="filename1"; $filename2="filename2"; $colorForwardR = 64; $colorForwardG = 128; $colorForwardB = 255; $colorReverseR = 255; $colorReverseG = 128; $colorReverseB = 64; $colorForwardLightR = 192; $colorForwardLightG = 224; $colorForwardLightB = 255; $colorReverseLightR = 255; $colorReverseLightG = 224; $colorReverseLightB = 192; $maxAl = 1000000; $svg = 0; /* * 1.1) Get the parameters */ for ($i = 2; $i < $argc; $i++) { if (!empty($argv[$i])) { $params = explode("\:", $argv[$i]); $newParams = array(); foreach ($params as $param) { $nameval = explode("=", $param); // Ugly by helpful : //print_r($nameval); if (isset($nameval[0]) && $nameval[0] != "" && isset($nameval[1]) && $nameval[1] != "") { switch($nameval[0]) { case "filename": $filename = $nameval[1]; break; case "filename1": $filename1 = $nameval[1]; break; case "filename2": $filename2 = $nameval[1]; break; case "colorForwardR": $colorForwardR=intval($nameval[1]); break; case "colorForwardG": $colorForwardG=intval($nameval[1]); break; case "colorForwardB": $colorForwardB=intval($nameval[1]); break; case "colorReverseR": $colorReverseR=intval($nameval[1]); break; case "colorReverseG": $colorReverseG=intval($nameval[1]); break; case "colorReverseB": $colorReverseB=intval($nameval[1]); break; case "colorForwardLightR": $colorForwardLightR=intval($nameval[1]); break; case "colorForwardLightG": $colorForwardLightG=intval($nameval[1]); break; case "colorForwardLightB": $colorForwardLightB=intval($nameval[1]); break; case "colorReverseLightR": $colorReverseLightR=intval($nameval[1]); break; case "colorReverseLightG": $colorReverseLightG=intval($nameval[1]); break; case "colorReverseLightB": $colorReverseLightB=intval($nameval[1]); break; case "maxAl": $maxAl = intval($nameval[1]); break; case "svg": $svg = intval($nameval[1]); if (($svg != 0) and ((substr($filename,-4) == '.png') or substr($filename,-4) == '.Png' or (substr($filename,-4) == '.PNG'))) { $filename = substr($filename, 0, -4).".svg"; } break; } } } } } echo "[starting] \"".$argv[1]."\" -> \"".$filename."\" ... "; /* * 1.0) Fix some global variables (to set the size of the dotplot) * Note "dimX" can be changed to something larger */ $fact = 1; $coef = 1000; $espace = 80; $Amax = 0; $Bmax = 0; $dimX = 750; $dimY = 0; $thickness = 40; /* * 2) Compute min/max coordinates to compute the display area */ $fp = fopen($argv[1],"r"); if (!$fp) { echo ""; echo "Error : File ".($argv[1])." not Found.\n"; return; } $nb = 0; while (!feof($fp) && $nb < $maxAl) { $line = fgets($fp); /* Yass first line looks like this : * "*(1083406-1083463)(1290780-1290837) Ev: 9.1282 s: 58/58 f" */ if (preg_match ("/\*\(([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)\)\(([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)\) Ev: .*[ ]+s:[ ]+[0-9]+\/[0-9]+[ ]+([fr])$/", $line, $matches)) { $a1 = intval($matches[1]); $a2 = intval($matches[2]); $b1 = intval($matches[3]); $b2 = intval($matches[4]); $format = $matches[5]; $Amax = max($Amax,$a1); $Amax = max($Amax,$a2); $Bmax = max($Bmax,$b1); $Bmax = max($Bmax,$b2); $nb++; } /* Yass second line (if given by the -d 1, not present on -d 0) looks like this : * "* "first_file_name" (71473 bp) / "second file_name" (1988 bp)" */ if (preg_match ("/\* \".*\" \(([0-9]+) bp\) \/ \".*\" \(([0-9]+) bp\)$/", $line, $match)) { $a3 = intval($match[1]); $b3 = intval($match[2]); $Amax = max($Amax, $a3); $Bmax = max($Bmax, $b3); } } fclose($fp); $inverted = false; if ($Amax < $Bmax) { $inverted = true; } /* * restricting the picture area to 800 pixels */ // Scale factor and scale coefs computations [bp/pixels] if (!$inverted) { if ($Amax == 0) { $Amax = 100000; } $fact = $Amax/$dimX; while ($coef < $Amax/10) { $coef *= 2; if ($coef < $Amax/10) { $coef *= 2.5; if ($coef < $Amax/10) { $coef *= 2; } } } } else { if ($Bmax == 0) { $Bmax = 100000; } $fact = $Bmax/$dimX; while ($coef < $Bmax/10) { $coef *= 2; if ($coef < $Bmax/10) { $coef *= 2.5; if ($coef < $Bmax/10) { $coef *= 2; } } } } // Compute the other size (smaller) once the main one is set if (!$inverted) { $dimY = intval($Bmax/$fact); } else { $dimY = intval($Amax/$fact); } // Picture Allocation if ($svg == 0) { $image = imagecreate(($dimX+$espace),($dimY+$espace)); } else { $image = svg_imagecreate(($dimX+$espace),($dimY+$espace)); } // Colors Definition if ($svg == 0) { $colBackground = imagecolorallocate($image, 255,255,255); $colForeground = imagecolorallocate($image, 64, 64, 64); $colForward = imagecolorallocate($image, $colorForwardR, $colorForwardG, $colorForwardB); $colForwardLight = imagecolorallocate($image, $colorForwardLightR, $colorForwardLightG, $colorForwardLightB); $colReverse = imagecolorallocate($image, $colorReverseR, $colorReverseG, $colorReverseB); $colReverseLight = imagecolorallocate($image, $colorReverseLightR, $colorReverseLightG, $colorReverseLightB); } else { $colBackground = svg_imagecolorallocate($image, 255,255,255); $colForeground = svg_imagecolorallocate($image, 64, 64, 64); $colForward = svg_imagecolorallocate($image, $colorForwardR, $colorForwardG, $colorForwardB); $colForwardLight = svg_imagecolorallocate($image, $colorForwardLightR, $colorForwardLightG, $colorForwardLightB); $colReverse = svg_imagecolorallocate($image, $colorReverseR, $colorReverseG, $colorReverseB); $colReverseLight = svg_imagecolorallocate($image, $colorReverseLightR, $colorReverseLightG, $colorReverseLightB); } // Backgound Filing if ($svg == 0) { imagefill($image, 0, 0,$colBackground); } else { svg_imagefill($image, 0, 0,$colBackground); } // Legend Writing if (!$inverted) { if ($svg == 0) { imagestringup($image,3,intval($dimX+60),intval($dimY/2), $filename2,$colForeground); imagestring ($image,3,intval($dimX/2), intval($dimY+60),$filename1,$colForeground); } else { svg_imagestringup($image,3,intval($dimX+70),intval($dimY/2), $filename2,$colForeground); svg_imagestring ($image,3,intval($dimX/2), intval($dimY+60),$filename1,$colForeground); } } else { if ($svg == 0) { imagestringup($image,3,intval($dimX+60),intval($dimY/2), $filename1,$colForeground); imagestring ($image,3,intval($dimX/2), intval($dimY+60),$filename2,$colForeground); } else { svg_imagestringup($image,3,intval($dimX+70),intval($dimY/2), $filename1,$colForeground); svg_imagestring ($image,3,intval($dimX/2), intval($dimY+60),$filename2,$colForeground); } } /* * 2) Dotplot */ // used to memorise some "pixel based" stats to get small histograms $x_forward = array($dimX); $x_reverse = array($dimX); $y_forward = array($dimY); $y_reverse = array($dimY); for ($x = 0; $x < $dimX; $x++) { $x_reverse[$x] = 0; $x_forward[$x] = 0; } for ($y = 0; $y < $dimY; $y++) { $y_reverse[$y] = 0; $y_forward[$y] = 0; } // dotplots alignments tracing $nb = 0; $fp = fopen($argv[1],"r"); while (!feof($fp) && $nb < $maxAl) { $line = fgets($fp); if (preg_match ("/\*\(([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)\)\(([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)\) Ev: .*[ ]+s:[ ]+[0-9]+\/[0-9]+[ ]+([fr])$/", $line, $matches)) { $a1 = intval($matches[1]); $a2 = intval($matches[2]); $b1 = intval($matches[3]); $b2 = intval($matches[4]); $format = $matches[5]; if (!$inverted) { $x1 = intval($a1/$fact); $x2 = intval($a2/$fact); $y1 = intval($b1/$fact); $y2 = intval($b2/$fact); } else { $y1 = intval($a1/$fact); $y2 = intval($a2/$fact); $x1 = intval($b1/$fact); $x2 = intval($b2/$fact); } // histograms computations if (preg_match("/f/",$format)) { if ($svg == 0) { imageline($image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$colForward); } else { svg_imageline($image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$colForward); } for ($x = min($x1,$x2), $y = min($y1,$y2); $x < max($x1,$x2) && $y < max($y1,$y2); $x++,$y++) { $x_forward[$x]++; $y_forward[$y]++; } } else { if ($svg == 0) { imageline($image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$colReverse); } else { svg_imageline($image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$colReverse); } for ($x = min($x1,$x2), $y = min($y1,$y2); $x < max($x1,$x2) && $y < max($y1,$y2); $x++,$y++) { $x_reverse[$x]++; $y_reverse[$y]++; } } $nb++; } } fclose($fp); // max histogram computation $xmax = 0; for ($x = 0; $x < $dimX; $x++) { $xmax = max($xmax, $x_forward[$x] + $x_reverse[$x]); } $ymax = 0; for ($y = 0; $y < $dimY; $y++) { $ymax = max($ymax, $y_forward[$y] + $y_reverse[$y]); } if ($xmax < $thickness && $ymax < $thickness) { $xmax = $thickness; $ymax = $thickness; } // Histogram plotting for ($x = 0; $x < $dimX; $x++) { if (($x_forward[$x]) * $thickness/$xmax >= 1) if ($svg == 0) { imageline($image,$x,intval(1+$dimY) ,$x,intval(1+$dimY+($x_forward[$x]) * $thickness/$xmax),$colForwardLight); } else { svg_imageline($image,$x,intval(1+$dimY) ,$x,intval(1+$dimY+($x_forward[$x]) * $thickness/$xmax),$colForwardLight); } if (($x_reverse[$x]) * $thickness/$xmax >= 1) if ($svg == 0) { imageline($image,$x,intval(1+$dimY+($x_forward[$x]) * $thickness/$xmax),$x,intval(1+$dimY+($x_forward[$x]+$x_reverse[$x]) * $thickness/$xmax),$colReverseLight); } else { svg_imageline($image,$x,intval(1+$dimY+($x_forward[$x]) * $thickness/$xmax),$x,intval(1+$dimY+($x_forward[$x]+$x_reverse[$x]) * $thickness/$xmax),$colReverseLight); } } for ($y= 0; $y<$dimY; $y++) { if (($y_forward[$y]) * $thickness/$ymax >= 1) if ($svg == 0) { imageline($image,intval(1+$dimX) ,$y,intval(1+$dimX+($y_forward[$y]) * $thickness/$ymax),$y,$colForwardLight); } else { svg_imageline($image,intval(1+$dimX) ,$y,intval(1+$dimX+($y_forward[$y]) * $thickness/$ymax),$y,$colForwardLight); } if (($y_reverse[$y]) * $thickness/$ymax >= 1) if ($svg == 0) { imageline($image,intval(1+$dimX+($y_forward[$y]) * $thickness/$ymax),$y,intval(1+$dimX+($y_forward[$y]+$y_reverse[$y]) * $thickness/$ymax),$y,$colReverseLight); } else { svg_imageline($image,intval(1+$dimX+($y_forward[$y]) * $thickness/$ymax),$y,intval(1+$dimX+($y_forward[$y]+$y_reverse[$y]) * $thickness/$ymax),$y,$colReverseLight); } } // Coordinates if (!$inverted) { // X coordinates $Xrap = $Amax/$coef; for ($i = 1; $i < $Xrap; $i++) { $reel = intval($i*$coef/$fact); if ($svg == 0) { imageline($image,$reel,$dimY,$reel,$dimY+5,$colForeground); imagestring($image,2,$reel,$dimY+7,$i*$coef,$colForeground); } else { svg_imageline($image,$reel,$dimY,$reel,$dimY+5,$colForeground); svg_imagestring($image,2,$reel,$dimY+7,$i*$coef,$colForeground); } } // Y coordinates $Yrap = $Bmax/$coef; for ($i = 1; $i < $Yrap; $i++) { $reel = intval($i*$coef/$fact); if ($svg == 0) { imageline($image,$dimX,$reel,$dimX+5,$reel,$colForeground); imagestring($image,2,$dimX+7,$reel,$i*$coef,$colForeground); } else { svg_imageline($image,$dimX,$reel,$dimX+5,$reel,$colForeground); svg_imagestring($image,2,$dimX+7,$reel,$i*$coef,$colForeground); } } } else { // X coordinates $Xrap = $Bmax/$coef; for ($i = 1; $i < $Xrap; $i++) { $reel = intval($i*$coef/$fact); if ($svg == 0) { imageline($image,$reel,$dimY,$reel,$dimY+5,$colForeground); imagestring($image,2,$reel,$dimY+7,$i*$coef,$colForeground); } else { svg_imageline($image,$reel,$dimY,$reel,$dimY+5,$colForeground); svg_imagestring($image,2,$reel,$dimY+7,$i*$coef,$colForeground); } } // Y coordinates $Yrap = $Amax/$coef; for ($i = 1; $i < $Yrap; $i++) { $reel = intval($i*$coef/$fact); if ($svg == 0) { imageline($image,$dimX,$reel,$dimX+5,$reel,$colForeground); imagestring($image,2,$dimX+7,$reel,$i*$coef,$colForeground); } else { svg_imageline($image,$dimX,$reel,$dimX+5,$reel,$colForeground); svg_imagestring($image,2,$dimX+7,$reel,$i*$coef,$colForeground); } } } /* Main Frame */ if ($svg == 0) { imageline($image,$dimX,0,$dimX,$dimY,$colForeground); imageline($image,0,$dimY,$dimX,$dimY,$colForeground); imageline($image,0,0,0,$dimY,$colForeground); imageline($image,0,0,$dimX,0,$colForeground); } else { svg_imageline($image,$dimX,0,$dimX,$dimY,$colForeground); svg_imageline($image,0,$dimY,$dimX,$dimY,$colForeground); svg_imageline($image,0,0,0,$dimY,$colForeground); svg_imageline($image,0,0,$dimX,0,$colForeground); } // Save Picture as a Png file if ($svg == 0) { imagepng($image,$filename); } else { svg_imagepng($image,$filename); } echo "[done]\n"; ?>